To run the OceanLine games you need to install the OceanLine chat room and your choice of games that you want to play. The Chat-room and games software comes as an auto-executable file that sets itself up automatically. All you will need to do is double-click on it, and it will install itself in a new Oceanline directory under the "Program Files" folder on your hard-drive. To play Oceanline games access the GamesZone Website ( and visit the GamesZone Central Departure Lounge. Click on the OceanLine Teleport. Within a few seconds, you'll see an opening screen similar to the image on the right. You're now in the gaming room. There are 3 main sections : At the top, the Game Section: displays the icons of the games you have downloaded and installed. In the middle, the Chat Window: any messages will appear here. To the left, the "Talk to" section: a list of who's online. To use the Chat facility, write your message in the field at the bottom of the page and press "Enter": it will appear in the Chat window for everyone to see. You can talk to everybody online, or you can chat in private with any individual: To chat in private with someone, click on his/her nickname in the "Talk to" section: their nickname will "light up". From then on, the messages you send can only be read by him or her. You may chat in private with more than one person at a time... Just click on their nicknames. To chat with everybody, make sure all nicknames are "unlit". To enter the OceanLine games world you must have downloaded and installed at least one game. You then have two options: 1.Create a game. First, choose a game by left clicking on one of the icons in the "Game section". The minimum and maximum number of players appear at the top of the window. Click on the "Create" button! This action is reported to everybody in the gaming room. If the game is based on a permanent connection, play will start immediately. Otherwise, a "My game" window appears and displays a list of the individuals signed up in your game. You can continue to chat while other players sign up... Once everybody has joined your game, click on "Start" to begin the fun ! Note: If you create a game with 5 players, you don't have to wait for all 5 in order to begin your game (the number of players must be equal to or greater than the minimum number allowed). 2. Join a game. Click on the "Join a game" button. A window appears and gives you the list of games in progress or waiting to be launched. Only those games that you have installed will be included in this list (the game icon must be displayed in the "Game Section"). If you see "Running:" before the name of a game in the list, it's a permanent connection game; you will be able to join the other players while the game is in progress. Select the game you want from the list, then click on the "Join" button. If it's not a permanent connection game, a dialogue box appears indicating that you've signed up for the game. You have to wait for the arrival of the creator of the game to start playing. Click on "Cancel" to remove your name from the waiting list. If one of the listed players doesn't start the game in time (disconnection, etc...), the multi-player game is canceled and everybody will play 'SOLO'. Once the game begins, you'll leave the gaming room. You'll re-enter the gaming room automatically when you finish playing. Each server can accept a maximum of 300 people. Rules of a game. When you are in the gaming room, select a game in the Games section and hit the "Help" button. The Chat-room software launches, when you type in your ID and password, (remember, every word is CASE SENSITIVE).